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Hard Truth About GREAT Mixes

mixing Aug 22, 2022

Here’s a little sneak peek into a project I’m working on, plus probably the most important lesson you’ll ever learn in the studio. 

The Solution to Bass Problems in Your Mix

mixing Aug 15, 2022

People sometimes ignore simple solutions BECAUSE they’re simple. Don’t do this. Your mixes will thank you.


Can you hear the difference?

mixing Aug 01, 2022

Got another listening test for you. Be sure to stretch your ears before listening.


It's WRONG (but we love it)

mixing Jul 25, 2022

Here’s a little glimpse at some recently-recorded original music, along with two incredibly importantly lessons for all of us.


Donā€™t Make This Headphone Mixing Mistake

mixing Jul 11, 2022

Here’s a big ol’ frustrating mistake that’s easy to avoid.


No One Talks About This

mixing Jun 20, 2022

I keep coming across this problem in my mixes and mastering sessions, but I haven’t heard anyone talk about it. Get good at this, and it feels like having a super power.  


Why Your Mixes Arenā€™t Improving

mixing Jun 13, 2022

Mixes not getting any better? If you can take the time to follow this advice, it works.


Top 3 Mixing Mistakes

mixing Jun 06, 2022

Stop doing ONE of these mistakes, and your mixes will improve instantly.


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