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The Truth About "Analog" Plugins

mixing Jan 27, 2022

Do you know when to choose “analog” plugins? Here’s how.


Mix Rescue: The Case of the Missing Volume

mixing Jan 24, 2022

Is your mix volume all over the place? In this video, I open up a session sent to me from one of my VIP members to figure out where the volume went wrong. 


My #2 Mixing Tool

mixing Jan 20, 2022

Can you guess my #2 mixing tool?


Mixdown Checklist

mixing Jan 18, 2022

Here’s a quick little checklist to make sure your mixdowns are every time. 


Minimalist Mixing

mixing Jan 06, 2022

Try this on your next mix session. 


Mixing a Song Recorded with ONE Mic

mixing Dec 30, 2021

Confession: I was surprised a guitar/vocal recording could sound this good with just one microphone.


What You Can (and Can’t) Fix in the Mix

mixing Dec 16, 2021

I’ll admit it, sometimes you CAN fix it in the mix. Here are some examples.


How to Mix Snare Drum

mixing Nov 01, 2021

Here’s my simple approach to mixing snare drum. Try it out?


How to Hear Problems in the Mix

mixing Oct 28, 2021

If you have trouble hearing problems in your mixes, this one tip will make all the difference.


What My Bass Tracks Were Missing

mixing Oct 25, 2021

For a long time I felt like my mixes didn’t have enough of that deep low end. Here’s how I fixed that.


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